WE-TRANSFORM - 5th Stakeholder Forum Workshop
Content Description
While the previous workshops dealt with the survey of the existing situation, the fifth workshop focuses on the possible future handling of automation and digitalisation in the transport sector.
The upcoming stakeholder workshop will focus on the formulation of a first draft of the "action oriented policy" agenda to address the identified challenges.
The workshop will inform you about the progress of the project so far and aims to involve you in the discussion and co-design of the action oriented policy agenda.
The four thematic foci will focus on (1) public regulation and contract negotiations; (2) industrial governance; (3) training and retraining; and (4) minimising labour exclusion and exploitation.
This workshop is aimed at public authorities and policy makers, workers' organisations, trade unions and mobility/transport companies from all transport modes.
Draft Agenda – Day 1
09:00 Registration
09:15 Welcome & presentation of WE-TRANSFORM project & status
09:30 Smaller groups discussion on public governance and regulation
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Smaller groups discussion on industrial governance
13:00 Lunch break
14:15 Smaller groups discussion on training & reskilling
15:45 Coffee break
16:00 Smaller groups discussion on minimisation of labour exclusion and exploitation
17:30 Conclusions & short introduction to Day 2
17:45 End of Day 1
Draft Agenda – Day 2
09:00 Registration
09:15 Welcome & presentation of the session and division in working groups
09:30 Working groups on formulation of the policies discussed in Day 1
12:15 Conclusions & next steps
12:30 End of the workshop