R&I Mobility Strategy
Target vision: Mobility R&I Vision for 2040

By 2040 ...
- ... Austria has mastered the challenges of transitioning to a sustainable, climate-neutral, and inclusive mobility and transport system in its urban and rural areas.
- ... Austria's research, technology, and innovation players have made a key contribution to sustainable development, to ensuring a high quality of life and fostering high competitiveness and a robust labour market in Austria.
- ... innovations from Austria will be recognised as leading and solicited all over the world.
Mobility R&I Mission for 2040

BMK intends to pursue the following mission to achieve the vision outlined above:
- We take the necessary research and innovation policy steps to implement a sustainable, climate-neutral, and inclusive mobility system by 2040.
- We thus address relevant technological, structural, and organisational developments and necessary behavioural changes in the economy and society.
- We develop instruments and measures to support the necessary economic, industrial, and mobility-related structural transformation in Austria and Europe in a targeted and effective manner.
- We shape the coordination and dialogue process between the business and scientific communities, civil society, policymakers, and the public administration in a national and international context.
Four mission areas as guiding principles
Cities: Promoting climate-neutral urban mobility
Regions: mobilising and sustainably connecting rural areas
Digitalisation: efficient and climate-friendly operation of infrastructure, mobility, and logistics services
Technology: developing environmentally friendly transport technologies
R&I measures
- R&I funding
- Exploration Spaces
- Alliances and implementation partnerships
- European and international positioning
Detailed information on the four mission fields and a description of the measures can be found in the R&I Strategy Mobility brochure:
R&I Mobility Agenda 2026
Objectives, target groups, R&I policy measures and the four mission areas identified in the R&I Mobility Strategy 2040 have been concretised in the R&I Mobility Agenda for the years until 2026 to establish an implementation pathway and make sure research, technology and innovation in the field of mobility contribute to the general objectives of both the Austrian mobility and R&I policy.