R&I Mobility Transition

Target vision: Mobility R&I Vision for 2040

By 2040 ...

... Austria has mastered the challenges of transitioning to a sustainable, climate-neutral, and inclusive mobility and transport system in its urban and rural areas.

... Austria's research, technology, and innovation players have made a key contribution to sustainable development, to ensuring a high quality of life and fostering high competitiveness and a robust labour market in Austria.

... innovations from Austria will be recognised as leading and solicited all over the world.

Mobility R&I Mission for 2040

BMK intends to pursue the following mission to achieve the vision outlined above:

  • We take the necessary research and innovation policy steps to implement a sustainable, climate-neutral, and inclusive mobility system by 2040.
  • We thus address relevant technological, structural, and organisational developments and necessary behavioural changes in the economy and society.
  • We develop instruments and measures to support the necessary economic, industrial, and mobility-related structural transformation in Austria and Europe in a targeted and effective manner.
  • We shape the coordination and dialogue process between the business and scientific communities, civil society, policymakers, and the public administration in a national and international context.

Four mission areas as guiding principles

  • Promoting climate-neutral urban mobility
  • Mobilising and sustainably connecting rural areas
  • Efficient and climate-friendly operation of infrastructure, mobility, and logistics services
  • Developing environmentally friendly transport technologies

R&I measures

  • R&I funding
  • Exploration Spaces
  • Alliances and implementation partnerships
  • European and international positioning

Detailed information on the four mission areas and a detailed description of the measures can be found in the R&I Strategy Mobility brochure:

Download: R&I Strategy Mobility brochure.

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News (only in German)


Lightweight construction in Austria

Status quo, trends, and policy options for the Austrian and European lightweight community, with a focus on mobility

Publication Downloads

R&I Mobility Strategy (Brochure)

Innovation in and from Austria for a Climate-neutral Mobility System in Europe

Publication Downloads

Programme 'Mobility of the Future' - RTI Agenda and Roadmap for Personal Mobility (English Summary) 2018

The Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) Agenda refines the theme-specific programme mission of Personal Mobility in the RTI-funding programme “Mobility of the future” and points out areas of research addressed as well as programme actions until the year 2020 (Roadmap)”

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