LARA - Low noise tyres for quiet streets
Short Description
Starting point / motivation
The reduced tyre noise limits for both cars and heavygoods vehicles on a European level provide Austria the chance to tackle traffic noise reduction directly at the source. Due to a 3-6 dB decrease in the emission limits during type approval, the potential for a comprehensively lowered immission level arises, allowing cost savings in noise protection measures without compromising the standard of protection.
Since country specific circumstances like the vehicle fleet, the country-specific road surface and tyres are not considered in the European examination for tyres a detailed scientific study of the noise-emissions reduction potential, especially in Austria from 2020 onwards due to the increasing use of low-noise tires, is necessary.
The therefrom obtained findings can be used for the adaptation of the applied calculation basis or for the consideration of lower emissions regarding accounting examinations or scientific approval procedures.
Contents and goals
By neglecting these feasible reductions during the planning of mitigation measures, the immission forecasts will be overestimated and subsequent protection measures over-dimensioned. It is in the interest of ASFINAG, the stakeholders and road users to employ means of noise protection as efficiently as possible, while maintaining the quality of life of residents alongside major roads.
In order to achieve these targets, the possible levels of noise reduction were determined through pass-by noise tests and compared to existing data. Exemplary noise mitigation projects will be calculated and finally recommendations concerning the revisions of the guideline RVS 04.02.11 can be given.
Results and conclusion
The obtained results showed that the order of the tested tires regarding their rolling noise in comparison to the specified characteristic value and the measured value did not change. Nevertheless there was a difference between the individual tyres due to the important impact of the respective road surface.
Based on the actual and future tyre occurrence in Austria and the testing-results, there is no potential to reduce characteristics of noise emissions in Austria.
LARA - Low noise tyres for quiet streets

The objective of the project was to apply the EU regulations 2009/661/EC (contains new tyre noise limits) and 2009/1222/EC (noise labelling of tyres) to Austrian conditions in order to find the actual feasible noise reduction, as well as suggestions of how to adapt the Austrian calculation basis.
DI Manfred Haider, DI Reinhard Wehr, Dott. Ing. Marco Conter, Ing. Gerhard Strohmayer, DI Heinz Hoislbauer
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 74 Seiten
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Project Partners
Project management
DI. Manfred Haider, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Project partners
DI. Heinz Hoislbauer, TAS consulting engineers for technical acoustics SV-GmbH
Contact Address
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
DI. Manfred Haider
Tel.: +43 505-50-6256