There are 26 results.
Querdenken quer denken - Creative Thinking on Crazy Ideas
The project “Querdenken quer denken” (Creative Thinking on Crazy Ideas) includes, besides a scientific support for the projects that receive the support in the currently open call for person’s mobility, an analysis of whether and to what extent existing financial instruments consider ideas, concepts, and implementation as well as perspective that reaches beyond the borders of specialized disciplines.
Ao.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Günter Emberger, DI Ulrich Leth , Mag. Susanne Wolf-Eberl, Odilo Seisser
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 97 pages
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Safe Guarding - Potential of lateral road restraint systems on road safety capacity in the motor- and expressway network of the ASFiNAG
Run off accidents with personal injuries are the second most frequent type of accidents on the ASFiNAG road network. Road Restraints are an important instrument to reduce accident severity. For that reason the efficiency of these systems was analysed, in order to insure an efficient road maintenance regarding infrastructure costs and to reduce furthermore the severity of these accidents.
DI Manuel Pröll, DI Bernd Strnad, DI Dr.techn. Ernst Tomasch
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 102 pages
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The Drive to Walk: Identifying Milieu-based Persuasion Strategies for Motivating Active Mobility
11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive Technology 2016), Workshop Empowering Cities for Sustainable Wellbeing, Salzburg, Austria
Millonig, A., Markvica, K., Haufe, N.
Publisher: Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
English, 11 pages
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RELSKG - Developement of a simplified method of calculations for noise protection walls with complex geometry
The aim of the project was to determine correction factors for noise barriers with complex geometries to be used in the ray-tracing method based on numerical simulations with the boundary element method. The results of the simulations were validated by measurements. Complex geometries of the noise barriers included barriers with more than one refraction edge and curved geometry. The expected correction factors allow the implementation of the results in standard calculation software used in practice.
Dr. Holger Waubke, Dr. Christian Kasess, DI Heinz Hoislbauer, Ing. Gerhard Strohmayr, Dipl. Phys. Dieter Zollitsch
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 147 pages
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OPTIWALL - Inverse optimization of noise barrier dimensioning
This project developed a method to find the optimal solution for the planning of noise barriers regarding financial costs and effect.
Ao.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christian Kirisits, Géza Horváth, Dr.-Ing. Ilias Sachpazidis, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Drewes
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 87 pages
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INCOM-F - Austrian RTI-competences at the interface of freight transport and logistics
The study "INCOM-F" aimed to reduce the complexity between the actors (transport action and transport performance) of the freight mobility as well as to analyse its challenges (e.g. technical barriers as incompatible transport systems, lacking interoperability, different data formats etc.). The therefrom obtained results, allow the contracting entity to identify the most important actors and hence address promising RTI-topics in future national research calls.
Dr. Sandra Stein, Dipl.-Ing. Georg Brunnthaller; Dipl.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Heinz Dörr; et al.
Publisher: BMVIT
German, 152 pages