Transport Research Arena 2018
Hosted by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and in cooperation with the European Commission, Europe's largest transport research and technology conference will be held in Vienna, Austria, from 16– 19 April 2018.
The 7th edition of this successful European event is supported by European Technology Platforms ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council), ERRAC (European Rail Research Advisory Council), WATERBORNE, ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration), ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform) and ACARE (Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe) as well as CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) and ETRA (European Transport Research Alliance).
TRA 2018 is THE international transport research and technology conference, addressing representatives from politics, administration, science and research as well as from industry to shape the future of transport and mobility.
Led by the central topic "A digital era for Transport", more than 3,000 participants will discuss new mobility solutions for society, economy and the environment during the four days of the conference.
More than 600 scientific and technical presentations will provide extraordinary insights into crucial topics, such as automated driving, decarbonisation, logistics, transport infrastructure and enabling technologies as 5G, IoT and block chains. All modes of transport will be covered as well as legal and organisational framework conditions. A 7,000-square meter international exhibition area will provide exceptional experiences by interactive presentations and demonstrations featuring outstanding solutions to bring transport research to life.
TRA 2018 will include a broad spectrum of research and innovation activities, which will range from basic research to application-oriented engineering, social, technical and economic aspects, as well as policies and standards. The presentations will feature in various formats.
The preliminary programme ist published on the TRA website.
The registration is now open.
Please register at